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Test for candidiasis now. Avoid serious conditions later

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Uncommon but rare life threatening infections such as Toxic Shock Syndrome can result directly from an untreated yeast infection (candidiasis).  

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) may sound familiar: in the late 1970s and early 2000s, widely reported cases of TSS-related deaths from tampon usage created scares in national press, making it a condition so familiar that today even men know the term. Resulting media hysteria created a myth, that still persists, that tampons cause TSS and that TSS itself is a more prevalent threat. In reality, it only affects a very few (<0.01%) of all women who suffer from yeast infection cases annually.

But, it can still be fatal in almost a third of all cases.

Treating a yeast infection and avoiding more serious conditions is important in and of itself, of course, but treating the root cause is the most reliable method to avoid recurrences.

The most common root cause? A hormonal imbalance. Fluctuating ovarian hormones are responsible for a multitude of debilitating and painful symptoms, and one of them is creating the conditions for yeast infections to grow,

Testing for hormonal imbalance after ruling out certain lifestyle habits is valuable in identifying an underlying problem and preventing future recurrences.

Hormonal Imbalance and Yeast Infections

Studies have confirmed the connection between estrogen and yeast infections. An imbalance in estrogen and progesterone causes many changes in a woman’s body, among them vaginal atrophy[1]. When estrogen lowers, the vaginal walls and their protective layer of the vaginal mucosa get thinner and drier. The mucosa is rich in nutrients and allows the naturally-occurring vaginal bacteria to grow. When off-balance, it creates the environment for microbial shifts which enable other bacteria to thrive, or for natural bacteria to overgrow (this does not pass from human to human; candida is not contagious).

During this phase, the vagina produces fewer secretions (commonly known as “vaginal dryness”, a common symptom of menopause) and is more vulnerable to small tears. The dryness and tears both contribute to shifts in the naturally occurring flora (i.e., candida), allowing some to overgrow, making women more susceptible to yeast infections.  

If you are concerned that you may have a yeast infection, you can find a candida overgrowth test over the counter, but to truly prevent recurrences, you should test for the root cause.

Get Tested

As we learn more about how the body’s systems are interconnected, It’s important to take a comprehensive approach to the body. Resources, information and technology are available to today’s doctors who take a holistic approach to keeping you at peak performance at any stage of life.

Hormone testing helps the doctor identify the balance of estrogen and progesterone and determine the course of treatment for those with susceptibility to yeast infections.  

Hormonal imbalances and fluctuations are also responsible for other uncomfortable symptoms such as brain fog and bowel distress, each of which can also lead to indicate more serious  conditions.

Because Health provides state-of the art and accurate (would like to cite a statistic: “the most” “99.99% effective”) testing for imbalances in progesterone, estrogen, FSH and LH. We offer white glove phlebotomy service for specimen collection at home, or you can visit one of our welcoming longevity centers for an on-site test.

What were once considered chronic conditions or life-threatening illnesses are easily treatable today. State of the art facilities and testing for candida support, run by the finest in their professions, are available to you to maintain the the fullness of your quality of life.

Primary Medical/Scientific Sources:

Collagen Catalyst
Second Text Line
Stimulates collagen production for healthy skin, hair and bone denstity.

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